God so loved the world....
This is a teaching ministry focused on the Everlasting Love of the Father for His children. All things are possible with God, given on the authority of Christ, and provided through the Holy Spirit; our Comforter and Spirit of Truth. God reveals His love, character, and nature through His Spirit.
John 14:16-17
Spirit person anchored righteously (in) Kingdom
Portrait of Man's Life
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him;
male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27
Our linage in the Kingdom of Heaven begins with God’s creation of Adam, made of the earth, and man born of the seed of Adam onto the earth. The second Adam, Christ, redeems man from his sinful nature and gives us a new birth in spirit which returns us to the Spirit Kingdom. In God’s portrait of the cycle of man’s life, we come full circle.
Man is made in God’s image
Man is made for God’s pleasure
Man is made to be God’s children
Man is made to be God’s temple on earth
Man is made with a plan for his life
God gives man the gift of Christ
God gives man the gift of the Holy Spirit
God gives man the gifts of mercy, grace, faith; heavenly treasures
God gives man a free will to return to the Kingdom of Heaven
God gives man salvation, eternal life
We are the beloved children of God; unconditionally loved, forgiven our prodigal betrayal and sinful disobedience, and returned to the Kingdom of Heaven, spiritually, married to Christ for the Father. Upon Christ's return to earth to gather His bride (saints/children), shall we physically be in our new bodies and in the presence of our Lord and Almighty King. Then we will live one-thousand years fulfilling the seventh Covenant of God, the Kingdom of Peace, living with Christ before our final destination, our eternal homeland, the New Jerusalem. This is a portrait of the Father’s everlasting love for His children.
Praise to God, Most High, Amen!
Two Kingdoms for Man
Garden of Eden Kingdom of Peace
King - Adam King - Christ
1st Adam 2nd Adam
Carnal - Sin Spirit - Saint
Cycle of Man’s Life
Man 1st birth of Adam’s seed Man 2nd birth of Christ’s Spirit
Man born of flesh Man born of spirit
Born with sin nature Reborn spirit, cleansed of sin
Laws of Moses Precepts of the Kingdom
Ten Commandments Fruit of the Spirit
Laws Written in Stone Law Written in Man’s Heart
Man’s Unbelief Man’s Belief
Wrath of God Grace of God
Punishment Blessings
Death Eternal Life